Wahaha...this week is gonna be nice....
Tuesday is labour day... which means no school! Wednesday have no practical! Which means early dismissal! Wooo..... Thurs is e-learning week so also dont need to go to school. =)
Early in the morning ... in lecture hall.. was actually quite affected by something said. Take it that its a joke hor... Ermm.... i can only say that it's not true even though i didnt say anything. Hahaha.... if its true there would be war le lah since we always argue! And besides there is something which i would never even want to mention again least that it would cause hurt. I am going to avoid making the same mistake that i have made once.
Practice is cool today. =) Played some introduction games. Wanted to join in the games.. but i think i may end up falling down since my footwear is like high and slippery too. Give up the thought..... Went for dinner but i ate only ice-cream since there's dinner for me at home. Happy that there were many who joined in for dinner. Hope there would be more people to join in too. =)
Here's some pictures that i took secretly while the games was carried out... Haha... ^.^
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